Carter competition series carb problem

If messing with the pump doesnt help, then get a set of the springs for the metering rod dashpots. Try putting in a set of stiffer springs than what are in there now. What this will do is shorten the metering rods response time to off idle and throttle tip in, it will enrichen the mixture faster.

If that helps but doesnt fix it, then you may need a different set of metering rods as well, look at your metering rods that are in the carb, there will be tiny numbers coded on the side of the rod towards the J end of the rods. THis code number will tell you what the sizes are of the various steps on the rod. You can also measure these - more or less by using a caliper. Then look for some rods that have smaller sizes on the various steps and try them out. Very slight changes will probably be all thats needed.

Eventually you may need to change out the jets to get where you need to go, but start with the springs - then rods - then jets.

In order to really understand what you are doing with these things - I like to calculate the changes you make whenever you swap parts, you can calculate the change by calculating the area of the various rod steps minus the area of the jet and compare various combinations of rods and jets to get a more precise idea of what you are really doing by changing this stuff around. (I know I am being anal, but it's the science of doing this that I like). It also leads you to the correct decisions faster as well rather than guessing.