hey from the ghetto in ca.

A few ways of doing it.....most common ways would be ..... #1. open your photo in a photo editing software such as microsoft paint and downsize the image to about 30%ish of its original size and then save it to your computer and upload it.....or #2 you can do the same thing but instead of downsizing it in percentage you can recent the image frame size....I think fabo requires 640x480 image size.....and then save it......if you want to make sure it is the right size (KB's) you can go to the saved image and right click the file and click properties and it will tell you its "KB" size.....your looking to get it to 122KB's and under with a frame size of 640x480 for it to work......at which time when you are done typing out a post on fabo you can scroll down to manage attachments and add that file.

OR #3. The easiest way to add pictures (I would say)....is go to www.photobucket.com and make an account (its free) and then click the "upload image button" and find the picture file you want to load and when it is finished loading ...you will see like 4 or 5 box's under or to the side of the pictures you loaded (example.....a box email and IM, another that says Direct link another that says HTML code and another that says IMG code)
In each of those box's is a specific code for the picture you uploaded.

you will want to copy the code in the "IMG CODE" box.
then all you do is paste that code into the box you use to type your message here on fabo! .....it will automatically copy the code when you click it.....and to paste it in the forum you will need to right click and click paste.

sorry for the long message I just figured I would give you some detailed options,hope that helps!