canada customs

I'm usually gone south for long weekends so between me and the misses we can bring back $800 bucks worth of stuff, like this one coming up then when were down south for a month we load up since we're good for $1500, I wonder if I can count Jake for another $750:-D

Yes that would be correct. If you and your misses are gone for more than 48 hours you both have 400 exemption. However you cannot combine the exemption for large item. Only one person can declare an item. So if it's a $500 TV you'll get $400 exemption off and pay taxes and duty on the $100.

For the 7 day exemption of $750 you don't have to have the items with you. You can declare what you bought and show reciepts and proof and then have it delivered or picked up at a later date. It's called goods to follow. The 24 and 48 hour exemptions don't have that clause.
