Car show season (and the people they bring out) around the corner

Why would you be offended if someone asks you if you take your muscle car to the drag strip? Take it to the strip or not, but its kind of what they were made for.

Because this paticular guy was extremely loud and annoying and spit was flying out of his remaining two brown stumps that used to be teeth when he talked.
He was following me around literally telling me to take my car to the drag strip and telling me why I should, but this was after he told me how fast my car would go after looking it over.
He was such a know it all and so loud and obnoxious that everyone one around was looking at the guy like "oh the town drunk showed up", and then looking at me like "Oh crap this dude gonna just punch this idiots lights out?"

"C'mon man, you gotta tek this thing to the drag strip and see what it can do."

"Maybe some day, but the Wife won't be too happy when I start breaking expensive parts that it took 8 years to save up for."

"But, man you just gotta tek it there, just once to see what it will do."

"I know what it will do, but seriously I really don't care how fast it will go."

"But, man, you just gotta tek it to the drag strip, that's the only place you can do it right man,, I can't believe you.....hey everybody, this guy has a drag car that he never took to the drag strip!"

People looking at me, like okay here comes the fist.... LOL.

At this point I walk away before I do something I would do if I was in a secluded alleyway.

The he walked over to heckle the high dollar corvette guys, whew.

Does this explain it now?