Car show season (and the people they bring out) around the corner

Oh I could go on and on.
For the guys that say they put a 3/4 cam in there car, I say I took my cam out. Saves weight......
I like hearing what the expert "buddy" tells his friends about this, that, or the other on a car I built. I am even more amazed when they get it right.
To be fair, I have actually learned a few things that way, too.......
I spend most of my time in the back of the shop with my butt usually packed under a dash, so I do enjoy the moments I get to spend with other people, but only to a point.
I have a pretty low BS tolerance level. (Bench racing not included)

Best story for me....
An a.m. drunk trying to sell his 55 Chevy two door wagon to a couple of geezers. He tells them that they can make a Nomad out of it by adding the chrome to it.
I made the mistake of saying that you can't make a Nomad out of a two door wagon.
He get's pissed and beligerant, gets into my face and asked me if I was some sort of expert.
I said yes and walked away.........

Oh and for us Valiant guys.....
"Nice Dart" or "I used to have a Nova."
For us 73-74 Roadrunner guys.....
"Isn't that the Starsky and Hutch car?"