help me date code these 727's

part number is 2466900

Y'sure about that? Where's that coming from?

numbers on the rail are H22538334 2862390

H2 does not decode.

2538 334: Transmission assembly, automatic, 1966 Belvedere/Coronet with 361 or 383 engine, 1966 Plymouth/Dodge with 383-2bbl or 4bbl engine, without high-speed governor, AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 2442724, Police service (A727B)

2862390 does not decode as a part number.

part munber is 2466900

Again, where is this coming from?

number on the pan rail is G2538334 228385

2538 334, see above.
228385 could be partial VIN or ??

Part number is 2801260

Mmmm...again, where's this coming from? All the automatic transmission assemblies in the '67 FPC start with 2801, but there's no 2801 260.

number on the pan rail is K2892032J 2231 116

2892 032: Transmission assembly, automatic, 1968 Barracuda + Dart w/340 engine (A727A)

2231: Made 6 September 1967