Weird 727 problem

This is confusing, first the OP says it hasn't been started in 6 months, how can you possibly tell the trans is the problem if you haven't started it? Just starting it and putting in the gears isn't going to grenade anything, just don't try to force it if it doesn't want to move.

If you are just trying to push it or turn the driveshaft then maybe there isn't anything wrong with it or maybe the rear brakes (still got drums?) are just adjusted too tight.

The reason I said it could grenade the trans is because of his statement below I've highlighted. I realize he didn't say he might cram the gas pedal but if you look at his posts there is some confusion so I think my statement was warranted. Just trying to expound on safety.

I put the trans in every gear and still does not want to spin in reverse.. do you guys think If i start it that it will free itself?