I think I might do it

OK...I will run the opposite. This is not a downer but something to think about.

As an owner of several small business, the first thing I would say is DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

If you are just doing this primarily for yourself and the odd graphic for friends..ok . However, if you are doing this for making money...think of the following..

. 400 dollar e-pay vinyl cutter is probably not for volume. Stickers come in various thickness and the good ones that go on MX bikes and cars are truly thick and takes really thick vinyl cutter..check to see this e-pay machine will cut it;

. how many companies do this sort of thing within a 30 mile radius ? Even in the sticks where I live, I can count at least 3;

. Initially, as a small business, you costs of purchasing will be higher because you are not a volume buyer and you don't have a track record yet with the suppliers ..and some companies may not deal with you if another company has exclusive rights for this product;

. The cost of a sticker is just not the vinyl..it is the total cost of the operation reduced down to the one product..so it includes labour, etc?

. Are you planning to work for free? Do you have the correct software ? Where are you going to get all the trademarked logos ?

I could go on for ever..

So, before you jump in..really decide what you want to do..your target market (FABO only ? ) and how much time you are willing to spend.with this..especially if you have kids.

And if you decide to jump in, good luck !
