The Pain.

I can sure sympathize about the tooth, been there and done that and it sure wasn't any fun. But if you think you're in pain now, try a kidney stone sometime!! 3 years ago I had 4 in a row. The first one hit me while I was at work, I thought I was gonna throw up from the pain. My buddy took me to the hospital and I was cussing him every second for "driving too slow". He was doing 75 in a 55.. lol. Once I got there they hit me with the morphine, and it was from wanting to eat a bullet to la-la land in about 5 minutes. I was so stoned that I literally couldn't talk. My cousin is a nurse in the ER and when she found out I was there came to check on me, and I had all these perfectly good words in my head and all that came out my mouth was slurred unintelligible crap. I thought I'd had a stroke. My cousin was laughing at me and said "dont' worry,you're o.k., you're just REAL stoned". I had to wait 3 days for surgery (the stone was hiding behind a pelvic bone and they couldn't sonic it) with lots of fun pain pills. If I take a pain pill, I'm out for the count. I could never be a druggie, I'd never wake up in time to take another.. lol. Anyway, they went up in me and broke up a 9mm stone and left behind a piece of tubing running from my kidney to my bladder with a string hanging out of you know where to get it back with later. That was also not a fun experience. The next 2 I passed at home. One was just a little thing about the size of a BB, the other one was the size of a pea and hurt alot. The fourth one they broke ultrasonically and it was a piece of cake compared to the others. It's been over 3 years now, and I hope I NEVER have another one. But then again I hope I never have another infected tooth. Good luck, and don't take to many pain pills!!