I think I might do it

I started my sign shop 15 years ago, not to rain on your parade...but.. a $400 plotter is not going to get you anywhere. If $25.00 for a windshield sticker is too much money, your obviously unaware of the cost of vinyl, mask, production...yea, you could sell it for $8.00..then when your plotter needs a $45.00 replacement blade, what are you gonna do? The $8.00 just barely paid for the materials and electric to run the computer and the plotter, if it did that. Suppose for some reason the plotter jammed and you have to recut and eat the first one then there is no profit just cost. You can buy cheap vinyl and produce cheap products...,when you sell a guy a sticker for his windshield and the next day the car wash takes it off, his fault maybe but if you don't make it good your the bad guy. I can tell you about 6 or 7 guys who were going to put me out of business because my prices are too high. I'm the one still in business, they're not...I can go on and on, but I have some overpriced "stickers" to go cut. Pm me if you want and we can discuss.

Dave Ginley
Ace of Signs
Since 1995

I'm sorry I misread the $8.00 issue, that was not to be the selling price...that was shipping, just a stamp is fine if it fits in a conventional envelope but somebody still has to pay for the envelope. .anything larger needs a box or tube which means more money and more shipping.