I think I might do it

Thanks for all the info everyone.....and I have thought about most points everyone has made prior to them being stated.

again, I am not getting into it mainly as a business....I am more so getting into it for myself and friends ....but with making money on the side still in mind, this would NOT be my main source of income.

as for shipping with the price of a postage stamp, what I mean by that is that most stickers I would make would be small enough to fit into an envelope or in a manila envelope.....rather than being shipped out in an overly large package to hike up shipping costs.

I am not talking about turning it into a full time operation ....but if things went good and I could save up the cash to get bigger better equipment It would not be out of the question.

I am looking into a 31" cutter so it would be capable of cutting rather large stickers.

I know my way around photoshop and I have been a tattoo artist for about 7 years and I have worked on computers for years and years aswell so I am pretty sure I have the technical end covered.

The copy right laws I am still unsure of so I would still have to look into that aspect.

I understand that some products are cheap and some are not....the vinyl I am looking into is the premium 7 to 9 year life span out door vinyl not the 1-3 year thin outdoor vinyl.

I understand there is the cost of vinyl and transfer tape and shipping and energy bills to run those things and cost of blades (comes with multiple extras and new ones are les then $10 for the style I am looking at)

sure getting an industrial set up would be nice but the prices run from $2,000.00 up to $15,000.00 and more and I am NOT in the financial position to spend thaty much.

I was wanting to starts small....rather that be with a japanese machine or not, I am not seeing and american made machines selling for decent prices so this is pretty much the only option for now.

but again....its mostly a recreational thing ......which would be like throwing money in a bucket and not being able to fish it out.....I figure if I am planning on getting one anyhow and I will be using the electricity to run it and I will be buying the materials to be used anyhow......why not keep an open mind to maybe making some custom stickers for some people who need them for a little bit of cash!

then I would atleast be making some kind of money back on my investment rather than spending all the money and only using it for my own personal uses.

Thanks for all the tips and pointers and things to look out for...I appreciate all the help!