Temporary paintjob on dart swinger - matte grey?

That is HOT!!!!! Shows off the lines of the car really well but it's still nothing fancy and doesnt have to be. There are no rules....

I am painting my entire truck in hotrod black.
Why do temporary? Do you know how easy this is to do yourself?
You should read up about it. The more you know, the more you're apt to just say to hell with it and do it yourself.

I flat out refuse to pay a bodyshop to do anything. I refuse to pay anyone to do anything in fact. Only exception being I dont own a machine shop. lol

I learned how to do it all myself. Know how much money you can save?
And the more practice you get, the more people will ask you..."damn! who painted that?"

I will be detailing my paintjob and bodywork this summer...stay tuned.

Yeah we'll see, if i end up acctually doing a good job, i might keep the paint :) Yeah im trying to learn as much as possible about rolling cars so i dont f**k up when im gonna do it ;) First time ever im rolling a car. Do you have any pics of ur truck? :D