Hemi Viper....

"possibly because of the '1700 horsepower' part? the fact that street driven V10 Vipers have run sevens? (I could be wrong- it could be sixes)"

Street driven 7second(or 6's) are about az BS az it git'z!!....Shur, U kan drive a blown fuel car on tha street, but it ain't a "STREET CAR"....Sorry, don't meen ta rain on anybody'z picknikk, but I been doin this car thang a long time, and don't have a problem wit a 8second, twin turbo'd V-10(have one local, and he does drive it on the street!!)...But I git ichy when I heer about 6 second street machines, and such, kuz anybody in this game know's zakkly how much money it takes to make anythang run in tha 8's...even more in tha 7's, and even more fer tha 6's!!!.....Now, unless they's one that haz appeer'd since a month ago, tha quickest Viper in tha 1/4 mile, DOES NOT HAVE A V-10 IN IT!!!...Sorry, didn't meen to ramble!!!..........V-10, or slant 6, or 360...It'z a Mopar...and I'M A DIEHARD MOPAR MAN...Been around a while, set behind a few steer'in wheels in bout ever kind ov mopar made, and from stock 4banger's to Hemis(cept a blown fuel Hemi...but I ain't dead yet!!)....

"from the pics it looks like the engine sits higher than a v10. "

Actually it don't....Tha Hemi Valve covers, and that tall intake makes it look like a monster, but wit tha front on, it ain't dat bad...Now, even wit tha tall manifold, it's tollerable, and not much differnt than a blower, wit carbs on it!!...

Heer'z a few pics ov tha car wit tha front on it...

Heer'z a differnt shot....INSIDE LOOK'IN OUT!!!