canada customs

To be honest your package is prolly not sitting at CBSA customs. 99% of the time it's sitting in a Postal warehouse waiting for enough mail to go your way so they can fill one truck. Thats why ground shipping sucks.

I'm glad I really don't know alot of you personally, as I'd be conflicted on what to do when I see you since you've admitted to smuggling over 13% in taxes. Is your life, job and shame not worth more than 13% taxes and a fine or even jail time? Seriously?

Here's a tip for you. Remember your exemptions, at 24 hours across you get $50 or less. If spend over $50 you have to pay taxes on the full amount.

At 48 hours you get a $400 exemption plus you can bring back a bottle of alcohol or a case of beer and a carton of cigerettes.

At 7 days or more you can bring back $750 worth of goods plus a bottle/case and a carton.

*** More info:

I do what 340swinger does. I have my packages shipping to a US destination and I go over and pick them up and pay my taxes on the way back. Remember not all officer's are bad guys, some might even let you go with what you declare.


..........Hey Riddler, can u check on stuff that has not been sent from customs............i tell u ive heard it all, its not here, the guy thats doing it is off or on holidays , it hasnt ever got there, even thou its been tracked 2 customs.......whats up with that..............ive stopped short of calling them crooks or thieves......ive been told the stuff is there, doesnt show up , call again, vanished into thin air.............and yes i am pissed, i dont like getting f ed