Wow,Today is a great day

Man, I'm really sorry to hear that some maggot lowlife coward did this to you. I've been there too, way back when. I bought a 66 Mustang when I was 18 and had just had it painted when I went out one morning and found that someone had put a HUGE scratch on it all the way down the driver's side. I mean from front bumper to rear bumper and about 1/4 inch wide. Man was I pissed. That paint job represented 2 months pay at my minimum wage gas-pumping job. I ended up putting out a 50 dollar reward for information and two months later a younger buddy of mine heard the maggot telling one of his lowlife friends about running a screwdriver down the side of my car. He wouldn't take the reward money, so I bought him a nice birthday present that year. I was a little worried about fighting this guy since he was a boxer, but when I saw him and his buddies I couldn't control myself and jumped out of the car and stomped the living crap out of him. Blacked both his eyes, broke his nose, and he ended up spitting out a tooth right there on the pavement. My buddies kept his buddies at bay and then finally pulled me off of him because by then I had him on the ground and every time I hit him his head was bouncing off the pavement and they were afraid I was going to kill him. It probably would have been better if I had killed the dirtbag, he grew up to be a rapist and did a 15 year stretch in the pen. These days what I did would probably put me in jail for aggravated assault, but in the 80's in West Virginia it was pretty much considered justified, and he was afraid to go to the cops anyway since he had already been in trouble for stealing as a juvenile. I know that my story won't make you feel any better about what happened to your ride, I guess I just wanted to tell it because I think that's what should happen to EVERY lowlife coward that messes up someone's stuff because they either don't have the guts to confront whoever they're mad at or because it was just a random act of stupidity.