Wrecked Mopar cars by members

Luckily God was with me when this happened, so the Scamp came out untouched and I wasn't hurt at all other than racing bloodpressure right after the incident.

I was on the entrance ramp to the freeway and a white Ford Explorer in front of me was goin ~45 mph to get on the freeway and it looked like he was just about to speed up, so I went ahead and switched into 3rd. After hardly a full revolution of the tires, the guy decides to slam on his brakesbecause there was a bag of hay on the road. The hay was about 8 inches into his lane on the right side, and instead of turning to avoid it he just pounds on the breaks, I knew I was too close to him to be able to stop and not ruin his car (or mine). To make matters worse, we were just about to drive onto the bridge portion of the freeway, so if I hit him there might be a chance I would drive him over the bridge, and an accident happened about 3 months before where a jeep just barely nicked a honda and it popped right over the edge and a 16 year old kid died. So anyway, I swerved to the left of him, put my clutch in and breaked hard enough to drift the scamp across 3 lanes, almost going backwards and I could feel the car wanting to tip the whole time. I ended up in the grassy median about 4 feet from the drop down into the valley. The guy didn't even slow down, I watched him drive away just fine while I was about to crap my pants. Scariest moment of my life.