Harmonic pulsation / Vibration?????????

Am I missing something? I have read that link a few times and can find no reference to feeling physical vibrations due to exhaust...they talk about vibration, but in a sound-related sense. ????

The bussing at 2000 RPM I mentioned is mostly heard and not felt like in the butt with a bad U joint. I'm sure if I were to put my hand on the exhaust (not a good idea) I would feel it also.

The problem Shadango is that the word vibration is kind of generic. Is the vibration (mostly felt) being caused by an inbalance in a power train component like the converter, crank, or driveshaft in which case it usually gets worse as the RPM gets greater. Or is the vibration, heard and sometimes felt, being caused because a component such as the exhaust system is having its "natural frequency" or harmonic being excited at a certain RPM. The swaying and later collapse of a bridge in San Francisco, years and years ago, is a perfect example of this. The wind got to swaying the bridge at just the right condition that the natural frequency was excited and she got worse and came apart. Everything out there in the entire world has a natural frequency that if the conditions are perfect it will be excited and start moving around or simply bussing. I used to see and feel it alot when starting steam turbines. In this case the operation RPM range was 4000 to 5000 RPM. Problem was they all had a natural frequency at 2000 RPM that you had to get through quickly as you were speeding the unit up. Even though you went through the speed in 3 seconds you could still feel and hear the vibration in the piping and base but since you never ran at 2000 RPM for any amount of time the designers left it alone.