Abrasive blasting media

Sand might not be the best route ,but is probably the cheapest route..but please people use the proper gear when blasting..if nothing else use glasses and a filter apparatus... black beauty is nice..but make one heck of a mess..... I bought a cheap blaster to run sand thru... just make sure your sand is dry..and screen it well..

Any time you use a pot blaster rather than a blast cabinet, you make one heck of a mess regardless of the media you're using ... it's just a matter of what color the mess is. :-D

Sometimes a really big cardboard box is helpful to contain it -- and keep your costs down -- if you're blasting loose parts like the k-member, but you'll end up screening out bits of paper when you sift the leftovers for reuse. At a minimum, goggles, particle filter mask (a good one, not the cheesy $1.50 paper thing with the elastic strap and nose brace), long sleeved shirt and heavy gloves should always be worn.

The argument bikers use about helmets can be analagous here as well (if you have a ten-dollar head, buy a ten dollar helmet). Yes sand is cheap but can easily turn into a lifelong health expense if you use it without the proper equipment.