seized 440 need help

abit of an update

my uncle went to start the car today. fired up 1st time. no problems, my uncle thinks when he drained the oil out and flushed it, the old oil has blocked a pipe as it was thick stuff. and why the oil pressure light is on.

the engine has been stood for well over 12months. engine has only just been put in this past 2 week.

but i would of thought that it could be the oil pump.

any suggestion would be greatfull


The other weekend I fired up on of my old junker crew cabs with a 440 in it that hadn't been started in over 2 years, primed the carb and hit the key, it was running with in 3 revolutions and had 55 psi oil press.

IF I was you I would install a manual oil presure gauge, see if you can borrow on from a friend. Then see what the reading is on it.