Helping people sucks sometimes.

I think that is just a bad idea. there would be name calling and knock down drag out fights at swap meets over it and of course somebody innocent would end up on the list or somebody who should be on the list wouldn't

Well, I think this is the way our country is heading, and the reason it is doing so. Ignore the rights of the good people to protect the scumbags because a mistake may be made. I think it someone has a problem with someone, they should let the rest know. Both parties should be allowed to give their side to the story, and the rest of us should decide if they want to do business with the offending party.

We have some very good moderators on this site. Perhaps we could have a couple of special moderators that could handle such matters. It would go something like this. Member A has a problem with Member B as far as a transaction goes. Member A make a post in a special area. One of the moderators looks at the post and contacts member B for his side of the story. If member B does not answer, or does not have a good explanation for the problem, then the moderator allows the post to go through. If member B responds, then the moderator allows the post to go through with both sides being displayed. No arguing. No bickering. No outside comments. If the problem gets resolved, the moderator would update the post.

Either way, I think we need to have something that shows who the bad apples are, while giving recognition to the good ones.