
I called Quikfuel the other day asking about the Annular vs. Down-leg & straight, he told me my best bet would be the down-leg for all around perf., the Annulars do go fat in the upper RPMs though thay have a stronger signal & throttle response, sometimes too much to compensate in the curve though, so i would say they are the best for a street car that doesn't see alot of racing & high RPMs, The straight boosters have the weakest signal (i've heard this before), but work best in a high RPM engine, the down-legs give a better all around signal vs. the straight & are the least restrictive too air flow, the Annulars have the best signal, but like he said, they tend to go "fat" in most cases, so there not always the best choice if you do alot of racing, i asked him why Holley converted over too the straight leg in the 3310, he said in a nut shell it was to save $$$ & make it simple, this was to be a versatile carb that would fit most engines & not so much the earlier 396s & such of the day with its 780 cfm, so there wasn't much to them, they discontinued the rear MB to also save $$$.