Electric Duster - Yeah, I built it.

Thanks for the positive replies guys. Yes, I can understand someone saying "it's not my cup of tea" but some people just get really infuriated. I wasn't really ready for that.

I agree with Goldfish. I think our culture has changed. Somebody commented online somewhere about my car that he thought the project was in the "true spirit of what hot rodding used to be. You used your imagination to create something unique". I liked that assessment. It's different today in that cars are more than just cars. They are political statements, personal statements/compensations and who knows what else. They are no longer just for going from point A to B.

I am familiar with the White Zombie and the Tesla Roadster. Those illustrate what kind of power there is with electricity. It's all a matter of electron storage and management (and cost). Storage capacity equals weight. You can only carry so many electrons so you have to balance out what you do with them. It comes down to a balance of power vs range.

One of the things I have learned with this project is that we could have great electric cars if we, as a society wanted them. BUT, they have come to symbolize something so much more than what they are. AND, the government and big business (oil) keep a lot of impediments to improving the technology and making it cheaper - even though they SAY just the opposite.

It's just energy to me. Whether it comes from gasoline or electricity it performs a certain amount of work. If gasoline remains cheap and keeps coming I'm all for using my share. But if someone wants to use our gasoline addiction to control us, them I'm going to try not to be controlled.