Hotchkis TVS worth it?

My suggestion is to go through the information you can find here on FABO from any number of members before you make a big purchase such as this. The members here have a vast amount of real world experience and will readily offer great information.
'Autoxcuda' is an avid autocrosser with a wealth of information.
You've already seen several comments stating that Hotchkiss is very proud of their parts pricewise. I attended an open house they had last year and their products do look very nice and they are seem to know what they're talking about. They raised a bit of a 'red flag' with me when I was talking to them about their new A-body frame connectors - they used a Duster for development of the A-body frame connectors and didn't know that later-year A-body Darts/Scamps/Valiants have a 111" wheelbase rather than the 108" wb of their Duster. Make sure whatever you buy from whoever you buy it from is made specifically for your car.