Basic Tuning: HELP!

Timing FIRST, then worry about the carb.

The basics... get the thing to run, dial in initial timing then start messing with carb adjustments. You'll probably have to limit mechanical to hit your desired total timing number, but, that's another installment.

Exactly! Reason being is timing will affect carb settings but carb settings will not affect timing settings. For that reason you always get the timing dialed in first.

Once you get the timing dialed in tune the carb. The 2 bottom screws are what rumble referred too when he said to set them at 2-1/2 turns out. That's a good baseline to start from. When you finally get things tuned set the idle speed to whatever speed it idles good when in gear. With the way you described the cam as being an RV type most likely you won't need more than 750 rpm in neutral.