Gas station melt down

Don't feel too bad, had a somewhat similar situation back in the '80's. I was at a cruise-in and a couple about my age (early-mid 20's), were walking by. The guy says nice car, what is it? Boy, I really felt like punching him in the brain. All he had to do is look at the badging on the car, as the barracuda scripts are on both front fenders and on the trunk for '67. Mind you the car was less than 20 years old at the time.....

LOL, YEA! Love these guys! I had to calm my freind down with a sim. happening. A 20 year old kid, maybe at best, driving down the Trnoke leans out the window and asks, "Hey! Cool car man! What is it?"

Instead of just barking back "It's a '66 Chrager, first year they made them" My idiot friend screams

"It's a FU%^&(in Helicopter you ***!" F$%^in read the script you SH$%^*!"
While he points to the words "Charger" on the sial panel.

Nice, one less kid into old cars! Just what the hobby needs.

Take the time to correct and show'em different, don't get wound up when they argue with you, and if there a jerk, as in like they can't read, my fav is to ask'em what school they went to. When they answer, I say out loud, "Thank GOD my kids don't go there!"

When they ask why, I say that since you can't read the words of the manufacture on the car, (Point to it!) and I know your old enuff to know these things after all, you do drive right, you can read right? (point to more and different locations of car make and model) But your school failed to quailfy you in basic thinking nevermind critical thinking"
I point to the cars reggie, in New York, the make and year are on the reggie, on the windsheild, driverside. And we know this here, why doesn't he? DUH!)

IT works for me.