stupid garage door

I have had my 74 scamp for about 5 years now and have been wanting to get it done ever since, but work and life kept geting in the way, so last year I hit it hot and heavy fixed the minor rust put new floors in droped the tank and cleaned it, then winter hit so work on the scamp went on hold, well went out today to work on it and my garage door was a ***** to get open, when I got it open I found the spring had broke and on the way to the wall it hit my new done rear quarter and put a 2 inch crease in it. so now I got to try to pound it out or weld it in as it's down low and geting to it don't look easy.
$hit do happen, Thats just one of many wrenches that will be thrown into your cog, happens to all of us. Years ago I used to keep a sheet of 3/4 plywood, "breakdown table top" up in the rafters above the garage door. I used an antique rope block a tackel to get it up and down, well no, the ply did`nt hit the car, but the rope rotted and the block fell and put a small ding in my trim that was searched for years for, "now repoped". Could have been REAL bad, luckily, the ply, was sitting on a small shelf, with a metal safty latch, and it just leaned over, hit the first truss hanger, which is 2 ft. off wall. Yes, could have been real bad. Needless to say the Ply, will never get suspended again!