Not just any cat...

I'm not sure where to post this.
I'm not savoy on expressing my loss at this time.
I just had to put down my lil friend today and I wanna say I feel like utter ****, am disappointed, and don't know weather to cry or break something.
Her name was peek a boo, she was a tabby/egyptian mao and had more personality than most people I know, which makes it harder. I've never been this attached to an animal or cat for that matter and now shes wrapped in my favorite shop jacket and buried under her favorite bird hunting tree and gone.
The vet had no idea what triggered her kidney's failing, air in her chest cavity and under skin and liver misfunction. There was no crystals in her kidneys from antifreeze, no trama, no signs from blood work leading to a cause and the only thing they could say is that she must have had some sort of cancer for a while and hid it well.
this cat would share my sushi, yogart, beef jerky, and even wanted in on my daughters baby food. she was a fast hunter and had the manners of the most respectful human you could imagine. She and her sister slept with my wife and I every night and never destroyed things in the house besides birds they'd bring in.

I know it's just an animal to some and thats fine for them, but for me...she was my friend, she was only 8yrs old.
I haven't felt this low in .....ever.

we really miss you peeky, rip.



