Glass refinishing/buffing

if they are lights scratches, im told you can get them out. but, ive heard that if you run your fingernail across the scratch and can feel it, that it will take away too much material to get rid of it and the glass will be distorted. again, thats just what ive been told. you probably wouldnt notice the distortion as much in the side windows though since your not staring out of them like with the windshield.

there are places you can get kits to do it. places like eastwood sell them, ive seen em other places as well. i have some light scratches in mine that i plan on trying one of the kits on.
im sure somebody else will chime in with actual experience with it.

You're correct. We see it all the time. Light scratches can be buffed not the deep ones. We get new windshield ever now and then that comes from our supplier that has a deep scratch...... trash!