What's it worth?

Thanks for that reply and the complement. Yes in Calif ... frankly I am surprised that one might get even $2500 over there. But here on the east coast (especially the N.E. - I'm on L.I., N.Y. - as opposed to say Fla.) one has to look far and wide to find a nice one.

And as I said, I well know the 4dr is a bit of a farty thing ... but yes, it is a very nice driver. Either this goes or the '92 Dodge Spirit - which I bought new BTW and is in very good shape as well. I was gonna sell the Spirit, but when I tried, the best I could do is $1000. If I can get a couple/few thousand for the Valiant, it might make more sense. So that's my thought pattern FWIW.

Thanks again.