I Love My New 10,000 RPM Drive!

See Ramcharger, you learned the lesson well :)

Best one yet was maybe five years ago. A guy comes in the store needing a new 3.5" floppy disk drive. He was ecstatic that we still sold them, plunked down his $12 and went merrily along his way. Next day he shows up, and angrily informs us that the drive doesn't work. We hooked her up, popped in a blank disk and copied a file onto it - no problem. He went home and grabbed his disk and brought it in for us to try. It did not read at all, typical Not Formatted message. I explained to him that over time a floppy disk drive will fall out of alignment, causing the 0 point to be off and the index created from formatting to occur in a slightly different position, meaning it would not be readable in the new drive.

That's when he informed me that the disk contained a novel that he had been working on for 6 YEARS! And he did not have a copy ANYWHERE but that disk!
