I think I got hosed by a fabo member?

well...I think its a good idea to post a good guy alert as often as possible.

people want to know the track record of the peopel they are dealing with and know there money is safe and if they have a history of selling good parts.

without any good guy alert for people to do a search on.....alot of people would be taking a shot in the dark on what they are buying.....and on a website that is unlike a store and does not have a checkout system the more info you can get to let you know that you are making a secure deal....the better ... ( I THINK )

plus alot of people who have not been members for long and have not bought and sold parts before on here....you don't know what kind of track record they have if someone thought that a good guy alert was better reserved for a different type of sale.

and as I said in my first post...I didnt get a chance to take a good look at it at first and I mentioned I would let everyone know what I found.

I was working at the time and the box showed up and I poped the lid real quick to make sure the parts were there and I waited until later in the day when I was not as busy to pull it out of the box and give it a full combing over.