Tubular upper arms-I feel lucky tonight

In regard to UCA failure, I've only had one experience where one failed, a stock one on my 88 D100 1/2 ton, which was about 12 years old at the time, and had about 100,000 miles on it. I was working on a construction job, where we were allowed to u-turn through the median of a divided interstate to get to where our machinery was.
The drivers side UCA failed in the middle of the median at low speed. It would have been catastrophic if it had happened a few minutes earlier!

It fractured right behind upper ball joint socket, apparently due to a combination of flex and corrosion. This wasn't a performance truck or treated harshly, in fact it had been owned by a security company before I bought it.
Now think about a performance car that has many hard launches and events of "spirited driving" over the years, and add all the other conditions they are subject to...all metal parts eventually fail.
But , has anybody here considered subjecting thse parts to a magnaflux test during a rebuild, even though you wouldn't increase your engine output using stock 20+ year old connecting rods without a thorough inspection.
Most of us just give them the eyeball test and put a Dupont overhaul on them. I'd like to be able to use something newer for all the reasons previously posted.
I guess it's really a case of buyer beware.... but from what I've seen here, think I'll avoid CAP products, however.