Concealed Carry Class, Just Got Back

Colorado sounds pretty solid.. Sounds like you learned allot in short order.. Nice!

I am learning a little about gun laws in this communist state. I have a few good sources in municipalities. The laws here aren't as crappy as I had suspected. Just not as good as allot of other states.. Your story gives me inspiration. I live in the hills and there are shooting clubs around, maybe I can find some quality training. I handle my glock quite well but like you said, under high stress, things change dramatically.. I could use some professional techniques.

I could've done a hundred other things today but I really wanted to get this done for well over a year. The dogs were pissed off I was gone so long, but they'll get over it. :) One cool thing is that I'm allowed to save someone's life or a woman from rape in this state. Of course, I'll have to pay a lawyer but it's nice to know just in case. I have 7 sisters. I'll pay. :read2: Plus, we're taught to shoot to kill, not wound. No shooting in the leg or brandishing a weapon to intimidate. It's life, death or a woman's honor. The way it should be. It's almost a "Knight's Code" from days gone by.

I'd gladly give my life for a woman or man with children. Hell, I'm single. The world would get along just fine without me, but at the same time, I hope I never, ever have to use this huge responsibilty I've earned. This is just how I feel about it. :)