Concealed Carry Class, Just Got Back

yes, but, who comes up behind you, and hits your arm? unless you aren't aware? I used to carry a Model 27 S&W. Damn, what a weight, and only 6 bullets. Then found a Browning Hi power. 15 in the clip, more accurate, due to less recoil.

I live in gangland here in the bario and he asked everyone why they were there. I told him where I live and he said "Oh yeah brother, I lived there too and I'm Hispanic. You need this permit."

The hit was to simulate both recoil and an attack, especially here where the threat will most likely come in a group other than the lone meth freak. This is also why strong side carry was emphasized as a cross draw can be blocked. A thrust is much harder to defend against vs. a slash. I grew up in Chi Town and learned this early, lol.

Great weapon BTW and a smokin' SA trigger pull. I love the craftsmanship too. I have to, by law, keep mine concealed. Shoot, I'd carry a BHP too if I could conceal it on me. This little Taurus in .357 will be tough to conceal too but easier than a BHP.... I'm looking into a bunch of options.