Stolen Car Alert

Well, After several days of extensive interrogation this what the little thugs had to say. All they did was went up to the local DQ for a Blizzard. You know they are having a sale. Buy 1 at regular price and buy a 2nd for a quarter.
First off they got a little lost going home. Somehow they ended up in Florida cause Bubby remembers throwing out his old bottle at some car. Then they got pulled over in Indiana. From there they were getting hungry when some lady who seemed to be nice invited them in for supper. During supper she tried to buy the dart for a few tinkets(import parts) They got suspicious of her when they saw that the extremely large oven she had. It remined them of the story Hansel & Gretal. So when the phone rang they made their escape. As luck would have it a guy drove up when they were leaving. He said he bought a car off of craig's list from her. So they sold him an old cuda sitting in the driveway. They grabbed the money and took off. They figured the guy was a flipper and wouldn't know the difference. But before leaving Bubby left an extremely full diaper in her oven. Wait til she turns that thing on. Back on the road again some nice man named John helped them get gas and gave them some milk and cookies. From there they headed north until they found their favorite store (ToysRus). From there some guy in a flashy car with a black stripe tried to teach them gang signs. Then they bragged about heading up to the north shore and were body surfing on the waves. When they came back thru Indiana they stopped at a daycare to play with their friends and pick up some needed supplies. Man what a story. What an imagination they have. I'll bet they dreamed it all up.
Later on I was cleaning out the trunk when I found 2 ticket stubs to the Daytona Museum, a crumpled up warning ticket, a gas receipt, a can of powder coat, a pamphlet from ToysRus, several empty milk jugs and cookie packages. Hum mm now I wonder.