Repairing seat tear in center of driver seat- permatex repair kit or...?

The 70 Duster I just got has a tear right in the center of the seat, don't have a picture but as I recall it's kind of a T shape with each gash 4 to 5 inches long. I want to repair it, I'm not as concerned about it looking perfect as I am about it not getting worse, but I want to do it the best I can on the cheap without resorting to duct tape or something.

I'm thinking of trying this permatex kit, has anyone used it? What do you think? I've seen some poor reviews but I think people were trying it on more complex repairs than what I have to do. On the other hand, this is right where your butt goes so if it's a weak repair it will probably just tear open again.

Someone else told me to just get some black vinyl, shove it under the cover between the cover and the foam, and glue the cover down to it. I can do that for a few bucks (with a whole lot of vinyl left over). Anyone do that? If so, did it work and what vinyl adhesive do you recommend?