Historians - Want To Trace Antique Revolver History

I would doubt you will be able to trace it's original purchase or military issue location. There was no need for such record keeping then. As you found out the manufacturer can at best tell you what you have, and approximately when it was made. Remington has had several owners over the years including DuPont and currently Cerberus, the company that recently held Chrysler. Production records may still exist in a warehouse somewhere, but good luck accessing them (Headquarters is no longer in Ilion, NY). I doubt the Army still has issue records either.

If this pistol has been in your family for a long time, you probably know all the history there is to know already. Obviously if the pistol had been carried by somebody famous in a famous battle, and there was written documentation it would add to the value. Otherwise you have a nice Civil War era pistol which is probably worth as much as a family heirloom as it is as a collectors item. Stop by a local gun shop, I'm sure somebody there can tell you more about it.

As for the sight blade, I have a one that my great grandfather filed out of a nickel. So if it looks home made, it may well be...