parents helping homeless

Hey Matt, I saw this great thing on the tube yesterday morning and yes my hat goes off to the good ones out there and yes there are many. Last year i planted my deer plot with turnips and had a bumper crop so i advertised on our local swap line shows for free turnips. Got a good response and gave several hundred pounds to those that would come and get em. This year i planted 2 acres of sweet corn with a couple of rows of okra and a variety of squash. The idea of getting businesses to help out is a good idea, i'll try it. By the way, the rows are 100 yards long. I've always wanted a truck patch so it looks like i have one. I'm sure there's a reason for it all also. I'll sell what i can and give to those that cant afford it. Maybe a donation only thing. A 50# sack of sweet corn seed is $288 and that's the cheap stuff but i still have enough for a couple more years. Come down and see me if ya get a chance and when the opportunity comes about i would like to set and chat with your folks for some tips. My son lives and works in Springfield at Lowes. I've always gotten a good feeling doing things for the less fortunate.
Small Block