Had a great day/week/month,let's hear about it

Sold our rental property in NJ in just two weeks for a butt-load of money. After months of searching, we finally found an awesome house to buy in a great neighborhood here in SoCal.

They accepted our low-ball offer, all the paperwork is going well, closing date is in two weeks, paint/carpet are already picked out, and I'll soon have a three car garage! In this economy, the wife and I still have solid jobs and cash in the bank. All this in a part of the country that has perpetual sunshine, year round car shows, and all kinds of old cars in the junk yards. I'm lovin' life right now.

Doesn't it feel good to have some dough? A 3 car garage!:cheers: Sounds like it's all workin for ya Dusteriffic.Can it get any better?8)Thanks for the great story.8)