
in case anyone is curious, I don't use Windows I use Linux so all software is free. for this I used a program called GIMP which comes with Linux but is available for Windows or Mac for free. it really is every bit as good and in some ways better than Adobe Photoshop.

so here is how you paint a Duster.
step one find a Duster to paint, open two copies, on one of the open copies use the eraser tool to erase everything except the painted part of the car. the better job you do here the better the end product will look. after you get it cut out copy it and paste it onto the other open copy as a layer. make sure it is lined up exactly.

in the "Colors" menu you will find Colorify, click on it.

once there, pick a color near what you basically want and click ok.

now the car should be a different color, red in this case.

again in the color menu you will find Hue and Saturation, click on it. as you slide the Hue slider around the car will change color. get to the color you want and click ok. while here you can also adjust the lightness/darkness and the saturation. play with all of them and have fun. if you want to start over hit reset and it will go back to where you started.

GIMP is available here for free: