Question about Dart radio/heater bezels.

I've been looking for a radio/heater bezel for my 68 Dart GTS, and have run across something interesting. A fellow FABO member offered to sell me a bezel and sent me some pics of the two extra ones he has.

First of all, this is the type of radio/heater bezel that matches up with the same type of bezel on the glove box door. It is not the bezel that has rounded corners on the right hand side.

Here's the weird part. His two bezels, and my bezel, all have the same part numbers on them, and they look identical except for the screw holes. All three of them have different screw hole configurations around the radio area. One has two screw holes at the top corners of the radio area, and one screw hole in the center of the bottom. The second has two screw holes at the bottom corners of the radio area with none at the top. The third has screw holes in all four corners of the radio area. None of these are extra holes, as they are molded onto the parts, so they were not drilled by someone.

So here are my questions:

1. Why would Dodge make identical looking bezels, but have different screw hole positions.

2. Why would Dodge put the same part number on different parts?

3. How many screw hole configurations are there for identical looking bezels?

4. Can anyone show me a picture of a radio/heater bezel that is without a doubt correct for a 68 GTS?