Where To Get High Octane Gas...

What about the SoCal area? Anyone?

Here's where I get my fuel: http://www.sawyerpetroleum.com/fuel_s.htm You need to bring your own 5 gallon cans. Sawyer is near the cross streets of Oxnard and Hazeltine in Van Nuys

I use the 118 octane and mix it with 91 pump so that I get around 95+ octane. My engine has a serious problem with pinging (MSD 6AL can dial in my advance from in the car and even when set by to "0" it pings on 91 octane) so I have to run better fuel. It's way cheaper for me to buy the 118 than it is to fuel up with the 100 or 101 octane available from two stations in my immediate area.