Little stuff that can piss you off....

Yeah, I've done the "knock over can of bolts/nuts/washers/screws/nails" bit about a gazillion times myself. Probably do it again by the end of the day, knowing me. Also the "I just set that wrench down right here!" routine. I don't wear glasses, but I wear safety glasses, and I've lost them on top of my head more than once, too.

Another sure bet, if I'm working on a project where the bench and the worksite are seperated by any distance, is the "Take measurement. Carry tape to bench, measure & cut material. Absentmindedly leave tape on bench, walk back to worksite. I need the tape, where the hell is it? Oh yeah *slap forehead*" gag. Substitute pencil, saw, drill, hammer, socket wrench, or any other common tool you can think of. Maybe my dad was right- maybe I am a dumbass.