Little stuff that can piss you off....

I've done that at Walmart. Have folks coming in the exit while I'm trying to leave and look at me like I'm in the way, I'll look up and say really loud: "EXIT! what's that mean?" Then usually say something along the lines of being illiterate. I've had a couple of folks try to call me out on it to try to save face. They usually walkaway looking even more like idiots when I stand there and define what "exit" means, how they obviously can't read or understand the definition and how inconsiderate they are.

What I hate when going into a store that has a double doors, is when someone going in the opposite direction waits for you to either hold the door open for them as they push their way by or walk after you get in. What the he!! is wrong with pushing open the other door. Are they that lazy they can't open the other door? That's what it's there for!!!