Little stuff that can piss you off....

People who just let their kids scream and cry in public. Take that noisy little S**T box out to your car until it shuts up because there are other people out there that don't want to hear your kid crying clear across the store/restaurant.

They should pass a law that lets you leave your kid alone in the car if you have the E brake on, windows cracked, doors locked and if you are in the store for under an hour. If the little S**T is strapped into its seat then it can't do anything to hurt it self and if it is screaming it's head off no one will want to steal it.

Ditto the screaming kids. I control mine (they are pretty good to begin with...). Parents that just ignore the screaming drives me nuts too. Some people just should have cut the lines :sign10:

Hey, on another note, I love the fender skirts on that Dart of yours! Really changes the profile!