Little stuff that can piss you off....

What I hate when going into a store that has a double doors, is when someone going in the opposite direction waits for you to either hold the door open for them as they push their way by or walk after you get in. What the he!! is wrong with pushing open the other door. Are they that lazy they can't open the other door? That's what it's there for!!!

That doesn't bother me as much as those who expect you do it for them. I hold the door open anyway. But when people take you for granted and don't even say thank you for holding a door open as they breeze by are usually the ones who hear something from me. It's the rudeness that gets me.

I held a door open one time for a woman who walked by me with her nose in the air, like she was queen of all she surveyed, and it was my humble duty to hold the door for her. As she passed she didn't even glance at me in acknowledgement and kept walking.

I just said: "you're welcome. B****."

She turned around and started with the hissy fit. "What did you just call me?" Then she looked at her boyfriend and said, "Did you hear what he just called me? Are you going to let him get away with that?"

I turned around and saw him standing there. All 6'8" and 300# of muscle looking at me. He looked at her and said, "He's right. You are a b****. He held the door open and you think you're some kind of supermodel that can look down on the world. You didn't even say 'thank you.' You're attitude has got to change." He looked at me, apologized on her behalf, and then started reaming her good as they walked towards the car.

I don't hold the door open because I'm looking for a reward, but some people just get under your skin...