rumblefish's Duster project

I was going to comment on that and forgot to add it in. The kit is balance pipeless. For the extra money for it, it would be a good thing to add in. I have no plans to add the "H" pipe ASAP or soon. I have another mound of things to contend with. (And it's alllways a bummer. He he he)
For, what? About $40 or less? The "H" pipe should be purchased and spliced in. It is an easy thing. The V bent pipe shold be used in this case. Reason being is the area where the pipe runs straight for the easy route may interfear with the drive shaft. But as you see, theres no shaft.
The V pipe can cut the angle I believe in where the pipes come towards each other. Right around the tranny crossmember is would be a great area.
But you shoud think before you cut, and look and mesure twice, thats my advice.
(Crap, I think Ive been reading to many Dr, Suess books for bed time storys....)