Ditch the Thermostat?

How's the rest of the cooling system ?

Is there a -correct- fan shroud ?
Is the fan a direct-drive or is it clutched ?

I've always run clutched fans ( typically , thermal-drive ) with as many blades as possible , regardless of a/c or not .

Thicker-width radiators will make a car run hotter , too ; is yours stock ?

I'm a life-long Cali resident ; there are A LOT of wive's tales about cooling systems out here , and the 'dump-the-thermostat' one is one of the oldest .

On my '72 Coronet 318 ( daily driver ) , I use the following :

- 7 Blade fan
- Factory h.d. fan clutch
- 195 degree t-stat
- 16 lb cap
- 50/50 coolant / distilled water