Why Boxer dog's die young

Great thread Mike!

Grapes and Chocolate are bad for dogs too and will kill them.

One thing I would like to add is that a friend of mine had gone for a 15 minute errand to the drugstore. When he got back, he found his 2 yr. old German Shepherd dead in a pile of his own poop. It was truly horrible. What happened was it that one of his friends who was over had finished a mylar bag (the foil looking plastic stuff) of potato chips and threw the bag in the garbage. The GSD got in the garbage and stuck his snout in the bag and couldn't get it off. He suffocated to death.

Even though I put my garbage up, I still open up both ends of any bag I throw out just in case. This is a true story and I personally know who this happened to. If this message saves just one dog, it's worth it.

I hope I didn't bum anyone out with this story but I had to tell you all.