an entrepreneur has been killed

Wonder if he was wearing an OBAMA t Shirt?..... and we continue to wonder why ..... PEOPLE need to brush up on their WORLD History. The free lunch thing had better get GONE... I hope those 9 kids BabbyMamma's have JOBS to support them!!!
TOO much TAX, NOT enough JOBS!!
WHY are only the large companies& Banks getting bailed out? The majority of the earned money in this country comes from small businesses..... if they overspend or give themselves insane salary's... they fail....plain & simple. IF most of us got caught fleecing people out of their entire life savings...we would go to jail!! WE wold not get some insane golden parachute consisting of millions of dollars and be allowed to leave the country!!
"Entrepreneur" my ***....what a nice title for a convicted felon!!! why don't we call it what it is anymore? be politically correct? to recognize diversity? Sat in a local court last year just to watch our system at work. Some greaseball yuppy lawyer pointed at his three obviously junkie clients ( VISIBLE TRACKS ON ALL THEIR ARMS) and referred to them as having "Alternative lifestyles" I busted out laughing and was asked to leave!!
WHO ARE WE KIDDING? being a thief and a junky is not an ALTERNATIVE lifestyle and being a prostitute is NOT a profession..... wake UP America!! They had better keep the words "in God we trust" we need all the HELP we can get!!